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Tinker Skiff

Tinker Skiff

Regular price $44.99 USD
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Once a great Plunderstrong admiral, the retired Tinker Skiff, now keeps mostly to himself… spending his days fishing on a small rickety boat. He’s haunted by the memories of the destruction of his once prosperous fleet… By what exactly? Nobody knows for sure. Especially since Skiff's description of the event seems to be vague and borderline supernatural. What we do know is that the catastrophe left him maimed and nearly dead since he refused to abandon his ship. Continuing in keeping with that promise even his small boat is rumored to have been built from the wreckage of his once regal vessel. Vowing never to be caught off-guard again, Skiff welded his own cannon-arm in order to be ever-ready to blast away his enemies… whether they are real, or imaginary. Wary fisherman tend to stay away from Skiff’s little boat as he is often seen charging into the open sea in the middle of the night shooting his cannon into the air while shouting incoherent battle cries.

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